Emergenza Kinder Relief

Swiss Barakah Charity

Support Gaza Campaign
Answering the Call for Compassion

By sending a Food Package, you can help a family in GAZA struggling with hunger receive nutrition and a reason to hope.
When disaster or tragedy strikes Barakah Charity is ready to respond. From emergency food, water, shelter, medicine and other basic necessities, you can help send aid to people in need, when they need it most.
Who should be getting Zakat?
The Qur’an tells us eight groups of people who should be given Zakat:
“Indeed, Zakat expenditures are only for
[1] the poor and
[2] the needy, and
[3] to those who work on [administering] it, and
[4] for bringing hearts together, and
[5] to [free] those in bondage, and
[6] for those in debt, and [7] for the cause of God, and
[8] for the stranded traveller. [This is] an
obligation from God. God is All-Knowing,
(Qur’an, Chapter 9, Verse 60)
Almost all these categories applies to our brother and sisters in Gaza.
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